sábado, 25 de abril de 2009


ATTENTION Students 1st ESO

On Wednesday, 29th April, you must hand in the project on Countable and Uncountable nouns. Remember. Steps to follow.

1. Cut supermarket products. (Corta los productos del supermercado del folleto de ofertas)
2. Classify them into countable and uncountable. (clasifica lo que has recortado en contables e incontables)
3. Take a sheet of paper and write COUNTABLE on one side and UNCOUNTABLE on the other. (Escribe en un folio COUNTABLE por un lado y por otro UNCOUNTABLE)
4. Stick the cut-outs in the appropriate place. (Pega lo que has recortado en el lugar apropiado)
5. Write the name of the products below. (Escribe el nombre de los objetos recortados)
6. Write down your name at the bottom of the paper. (Escribe tu nombre al final del folio)

See you on Monday.
Lydia :-)

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, Lydia! I think I can use this with my 3rd diver. Just a basic idea which they may enjoy. Thanks.
